It's time to get FAT.
We include women* artists in the art canon.

Creating feminist solidarity in art and curating
Femme Artist Table (FATart) is a Swiss art association that has been campaigning for an equal and contemporary inclusion of women and FLINTA in the art world since 2016.
FATart develops and realises activities and exhibitions throughout the year. On the one hand, the aim is to give women more space and a stronger voice in art. On the other hand, visibility, hearing, attention and acceptance are to be created beyond the boundaries of the art scene.
With initiatives, projects and events, FATart is committed to the concerns of women artists, curators, art advisors, gallery owners and art start-up founders and has been successfully stirring up the Swiss art scene for several years.
FATart is charitable and non-profit-making.
FATart pursues neither profit nor self-help purposes.