The FATecke is an exhibition platform on the 4th floor of the Kammgarn WEST in Schaffhausen, where FATart artists present and exhibit their work during three months.
#18 Lets meet project
With the artists
Marina Tomic - Emily Hildebrand - Karyna Herrera - Mayboll Vargas - Zeljka Micanovic - Lee Lichtenstein -Ximena Gomez - Viviana Gonzalez
29.02 - 10.05.2024
29. Februar 2024 – 17-20 hrs Oppening
25. April 2024 – 18-20 hrs FATrdv with the artists at the

Woven space
What is and what can be understood by each of us as our territory, home, or place of belonging? What are its boundaries and characteristics, how does it construct identity?
What happens to our identity when we abandon our formative place for a new one? Does the original place become intangible or does it fuse to our new place forming a new holistic symbolic territory? Does our source territory lodge itself into our body? Does its memory assert itself and change the way we relate to our new place? Or, is the journey, the peripatetic place, the actual space that we inhabit? How do the symbolic and physical collide and collaborate?
The Let’s Meet project, though this exhibition reflects on these questions. We as a group of artists who have emigrated from diverse points around the globe, use our artistic practices and life experiences to understand what it means to both have and to lose a territory. The Let’s Meet project has been constructed through the simple act of meeting: conversing around a table, sketching and identifying common nodes that cross our artistic practices (e.g., artists, women, mothers, immigrants) and exploring how what we bring from our cultural backgrounds affects how we inhabit the space in which we currently live.
With artworks from the artists: Marina Tomic - Emily Hildebrand - Karyna Herrera - Mayboll Vargas - Zeljka Micanovic - Lee Lichtenstein -Ximena Gomez - Viviana González Méndez