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FATart Fair 2022

FATart Fair 2022

FATart Fair 2022

This year we are celebrating a small anniversary. The exhibition is taking place for the fifth time.

Program, date, opening hours, place

The supporting program is supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council.

Saturday 10.09.2022: 15–16h

Artistic and curatorial strategies for more diversity in art


On the occasion of the 5th FATart Fair we would like to take stock. How concretely are different actors working for more diversity in the Swiss art scene? What are the problems they encounter? What strategies have they found to deal with them? What have they already achieved?  Where do we currently stand? And how can different concerns be connected intersectionally? In the panel Dr. Tove Soiland (University of Innsbruck) will talk with Prof. Dr. Dorothee Richter (ZHdK), Apiyo Amolo Brändle (politician, musician and artist) as well as Ursina Gabriela Roesch and Mark Damon Harvey (co-founders FATart Fair) about their experiences, wishes and perspectives.



Saturday 10.09.2022: 17–18h

Opportunities of migrant biographies


This conversation does not want to focus on the problems, but to confidently show what opportunities and possibilities can lie in migrant biographies and their perspectives on society, especially with regard to art making. For this panel, Indrani Das Schmid (journalist and founder GFGZ), Sultana Savvi (artist) and Mark Damon Harvey (artist and expert intersectionality) discuss their personal experiences.


Saturday 10.9.2022 and Sunday 11.9.2022: 14h

Dialogical tour through the exhibition


Performance, Friday 09.09.2022, 19h:

"durezieh and ..." by Eva Marlin and Guilherme Almeida.

Opening hours:


Friday 9.09.2022: 17–21h

Saturday 10.09.2022: 11–21h

Sunday 11.09.2022: 11–17h




Kammgarn West,

Baumgartenstrasse 23, 2nd & 3rd floor,

8200 Schaffhausen




Our rooms are also accessible for people in wheelchairs. From the entrance on the Baumgartenstrasse side there is a spacious elevator (the sidewalk on the Baumgartenstrasse side is accessible from the Rhine side). This leads to the 2nd and 3rd floor. Our WCs are also wheelchair accessible.

Dogs are not allowed in the rooms, unless they are assistance dogs. 

ISBN 978-3-9525498-4-1

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