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first friday

do it yourself – money

Money print wall wood in kitchen ambience
endless paper, Fabienne Meier, Mona Rosa, 2023

The artists Fabienne Meier and Mona Rosa invite you to take an active interest in the topic of money with their interactive installation on 5 April 2024 from 4 to 10 p.m. on First Friday in Schaffhausen on Fronwagplatz and lend a hand in the printing kitchen. The special printing rolling pin produces banknotes on a piecework basis. For a long time, women were assigned the "place behind the cooker". Several affected generations of these women and their descendants questioned this approach in many feminist contributions to literature and art. Even today, we are revisiting these works in the context of care work and equality.

The artists have deliberately refrained from attributing a value to the money note that prints their wall wood. The audience is actively encouraged to think about the value itself and can fill it in accordingly.



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Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-02 um 15.13.27.png
Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-02 um 15.13.55.png
Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-02 um 15.13.01.png
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