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Press documents

Here media representatives can find documents as well as pictures of the 4th FATart Fair 2021 to download and use (please with appropriate source reference)


image source:

Ausstellungsansicht 3. FATart Fair 2020. Elisabeth Eberle. Foto: ©FATart


image source:

Ausstellungsansicht 3. FATart Fair 2020. (v.l.n.r.) Rosmarie von Scarpatetti, Margrit Schlumpf-Portmann, Dominique Belvedere, Lyn Bentschik, Alexandra Häberli. Foto ©FATart


image source:

Ausstellungsansicht 3. FATart Fair 2020. Schlumpf-Portman, Belvedere, Schindler, Pöpel. Foto ©FATart


Logo FATart Fair

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