FATart raises its voice even during unusual Corona times and stands up for cultural workers.
Together with OnCurating Project Space, FATart co-organized and coordinated the "Pop Up Protest" demo on May 8, in compliance with the appropriate Corona protection measures.
Image: official website of OnCurating, https://oncurating-space.org/reclaimculturalsurplus/ (Retrieved: 6/13/2021)
The starting point of the protest march was the Kunsthaus Zürich. From there, numerous demonstrators walked towards the "Gemüse-Brücke" in front of the city hall. First among them were the team members of FATart: Pauline Della Bianca (banner with the inscription "Is the percentage of women artists here over 5%?"), Lyn Bentschik (banner with the inscription "where are the millions for women's art?") as well as FATart co-founders Ursina Gabriela Roesch and Mark Damon Harvey.
Afterwards, OnCurating Project Space organized a PopUp exhibition in their off-space under the hashtag #ReclaimCulturalSurplus with works by artists who engaged in the demo.
More info about the demonstration and pictures can be found here: https://oncurating-space.org/reclaimculturalsurplus/, https://www.instagram.com/reclaimculturalsurplus/
The demonstration was once again intended to send a clear signal by artistic means. A sign for the still striking imbalance of the art industry in society.
An imbalance that we no longer accept, because: Art is relevant to the system and should be valued accordingly. Cultural workers, artists and curators are still dramatically underpaid - an affront, considering the work they do to make an attractive cultural scene possible. Unfortunately, only the "big players", such as the tourism industry, art houses or large galleries, still profit from this.
The initiators of the demonstration, OnCurating Project Space and FATart, therefore demand that these profits flow back into the diverse art scene.
Namely through:
Generous project funding
Fees for cultural workers, curators and artists
Financing of off-spaces and initiatives.
Because "it is only through the work and commitment of many [...] that a diverse art scene is created." (OnCurating)
A detailed list of demands is available here: https://oncurating-space.org/reclaimculturalsurplus/
Source reference:
OnCurating, https://oncurating-space.org/reclaimculturalsurplus/ (Retrieved: 6/9/2021).
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Image: official website of OnCurating, https://oncurating-space.org/reclaimculturalsurplus/ (Retrieved: 6/13/2021)