Many would agree that a good anti-bias and anti-racism course should offer some strategies and at least a few actionable solutions. This course focuses on the structures of prejudice and the linguistic phrases that are used repeatedly in everyday exclusionary behavior.
Once the cultural drivers behind this are understood, it is possible to design non-confrontational interventions that have a long-term impact.
The goal is to trigger conflict in the aggressor's internal thought patterns to the point where they abandon them in favor of (new) patterns that better fit with a multicultural perspective. Practical Allyship uses people's entrenched tribal thinking to facilitate new alliances between marginalized and referent cultures, or in short, to re-tribalize.
Mark Damon Harvey has taught his courses at the following organizations, among others:
Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences, Winterthur.
Pro Helvetia, Zurich
Rote Fabrik, Zurich
Women's Chapter University of Zurich Alumni, Zurich
Black@Airbnb (PHZH)
OnCurating (ZHDK)
Dear White People... - Event by Kidayo, Freiburg (D)
Max: 10 participants
Dates & registration will follow after the summer vacations. Stay tuned!
We are looking forward to your participation!
Past Workshop :
Our last online workshop on "Becoming Self-Employed" was great. We are already looking forward to the upcoming workshop!
Bild @FATart